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I'm Dana! I cook simple, delicious recipes with three simple rules: I use only 1 bowl, up to 10 ingredients, and take just 30 minutes or less to prepare. Bon Appetit!

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Different forms of selection affecting the human species.

Different forms of selection occur because of different changes in an organisms circumstances and environment. In the case of humans many different factors play a part in our evolution because our species is not limited to a single area, or even a single biome. We are spread across the entire planet.

A worldwide species is subject to many different variables effecting the population in different locations across the globe. In theory, if these populations stayed separate locations, humans could diverge into two separate species. luckily our world is a connected one and the amount of 'mixing' going on prevents this split. This connection also allows for a diversification of the gene pool furthering our possibilities of evolution. This makes me wonder, what forms of selection are effecting our evolution the most? could we shape ourselves and control evolution?

In our current society, the worlds populations are mixing. Intentionally or not this is causing a 'stabilizing selection' effect on humans. Scientists have found a 32% spike in multi national people in america pointing to a more united future. This is encouraging for the stop of racism and other issues brought upon by race segregation.

Although we are seeing a change in our population because of this stabilizing selection type effect, its hard to argue sexual selection is affecting our population on a massive scale. The interesting thing that comes up when thinking about sexual selection in humans is our ever evolving image of beauty. The media influences our perception of what is beautiful and in turn is it also effecting the way our species evolves? The media effects the way we see ourselves and think of our appearance but does it go further that that? in theory yes, it would effect how our population would seek mates and choose to reproduce but, we live in a monogamous society which means the most fit males and females aren't having on average more children then there less fit counterparts. This makes for a small margin of difference in the average appearance of our species that we cant say that the media does really effect the future of our species in an evolutionary sense.

Genetic modification of plants and produce is becoming common place taking away the need for adaptive evolution and being replaced by man made evolution. This has allowed us to grow more food in a wider range of areas but where is this technology going? is it possible that in the future we will be genetically modifying our children? Genetic modification could open the door to limitless new alleles, allowing us to perfect ourselves and become the perfect organism. the moral implications could be hard to get over but is it worth it to become a species that is perfect? never dying of disease and having better minds than the people of today.

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